European Reseller

Helping bring new products to market

Wednesday, Feb 12th

Last updateFri, 16 Jun 2023 8am

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Hand Held

Resellers in EMEA,

European Reseller offers you a service to actively find Distributors and Resellers in Europe.

We can provide you with:

  • Advice about target countries and markets
  • Advice about routes to market
  • Advice about whether to use Distributors, Resellers or Representatives
  • Advice about setting up your own Subsidiary or a Franchise or Joint Venture
  • Advice about utilising Public Relations and International marketing
  • Resources to recruit Distributors, Value Added Distributors, Resellers and Value Added Resellers
  • Help to close contracts between your and your new European partners


We offer a 6 or 12 month programme where we can:

  • Review with you your needs and requirements
  • Raise the profile of you company with targeted marketing
  • Present you a short list of potential partners
  • Contact potential partners on your behalf
  • Present draft contracts
  • Visit potential partners with you
  • Help you to close contracts
  • Hand over the relationship to you


In addition we offer a programme to manage your continuing relationship with these companies.

This includes:

  • On going management of reseller partners, acting as your channel manager
  • Setting targets for Sales & Marketing
  • Planning and agreeing Sales & Marketing activity
  • Making Sales visits to your Resellers and their customers
  • Closing deals for stocking orders each month and quarter
  • Reporting and Forecasting


Our Experience

We have worked with both Blue chip companies and smaller organisations over the last 5 years :- 

from Vendors such as AMD, AVG, Data-Pod, Huawei, Geo-SIM, Samsung, Motorola, Maximiser, US Robotics, Kodak, Dymo, TDK, Handheld,Nordic ID, BitDefender, V-Box, HughesNetworks, Schneider Electric, Hitachi, Pyramid GmbH, Diskeeper, Spirent, Trustive, Star-Micronics, HP, Microboards, Q-Imaging, Cyberguard, Eset, Hosiden Besson, Neo Scale, who want to raise their profile and display their opportunities.

Our resources and methods

We have booths at between 15 & 20 exhibitions each year. ( A list of exhibitions is on the 3rd page )

The reason for our attendance at these European shows is to recruit distributors, VAD’s, resellers, VAR’s and system integrators, who we keep informed using our website as a free service.

For over 20 years we distributed up-to 1,000 copies of European reseller Printed magazine at each show.

The content of the website covers business models and business opportunities, presenting new products and services available in the EMEA region, giving vendors, distributors and resellers an obvious and easy opening to develop new revenue streams with their existing client-base, discussing ROI and highlighting the reseller opportunities.

The editorial covers all aspects in the Financial, Manufacturing, Telecoms, Business management, Logistics, Pharmaceuticals, Oil & Gas, Retail and Office markets. Areas covered are DataCentres,Cloud Computing, Virtulisation, Web Services, Infrastructure, Voice & Data, Hardware, Software, Storage, Security, Networks and Imaging solutions.

European Reseller Services.

Partner recruitment and development program         Recruitment of distributors, VAD's, reseller, VAR's specifically for your products either on an EMEA basis or country by country basis. Prices dependant on requirements.


145,927 visitors in April and an average of 134,000 visitors/ month in 2021 -2022

8.2 Million pages  & 6 ½ Million hits 2021 -2022


Out bound B2B Call centre   We are able to generate leads and recruit further distributors & reseller as well as contacting our own subscribers/partners in Western & Eastern Europe using our network of locally based call centres.

Andy Brockhurst     Channel Development       Website, Newsletter, Magazine

Tel: +44 203 771 2617                  Mobil : +44 7799 620 285

Robert Ross      Channel Development          Website, Newsletter, Magazine

Tel: +44 203 771 2617           Mobil : +44 77 99 620 285

This offers a great opportunity for Vendors-OEM’s to reach European entrepreneurs and businesses, across Europe and the Middle East, both through the web and at the many exhibitions where we distribute the magazine, 17-20,000 copies of the magazine are distributed at Europe’s Exhibitions, in the Netherlands, Italy, France, Turkey, Switzerland, UK, Austria, Germany, Hungary, Sweden, Spain, Poland, Czech Rep and Russia through-out the year.

This gives a circulation of between 356,000 and 380,000 in the year, 940,000 reseller readers


Contact Details:

This is a list of exhibitions where we have recruited resellers & distributors since March 2000 :-

Annual Cloud World Forum, Olympia, London (UK)
The Business show Olympia, London (UK)
Biometrics, Q E II Conference, London (UK)
BITS, Moscow, (Russia)
Canalys channel Forum, Barcelona, (Spain)
CeBit, Hanover (Germany)
Cloud Expo Europe,,Excel, london (UK)
Cloud world Forum Olympia (UK)
Channel Expo Birmingham (UK)
Comdex Scandinavia, Gothenburg (Sweden)
Comms Channel Expo, Birmingham (UK)
COMMS Expo, Barbican Centre, London (UK)
Computer Trade Show /Technology Retailer Show NEC, Birmingham (UK)
Comtek (IT WEEK), Moscow (Russia)
Convergence summit South, Epsom (UK)
Convergence summit North, Manchester (UK)
CRM-Europe, London (UK)
CRN Partner Connect, Ricoh Arena, Coventry, (UK)
DCD Data Centre Dynamics, Excel, London. (UK)
Data Centre World, Excel, London. (UK)

Data Centre Dynamics,Excel London( UK)

Digital Signage show, London (UK)
Discuss & Discover (Systems), Munich (Germany)
Distree, Barcelona (Spain)
DMS - Document Management, Stuttgart (Germany)
ECOC-IOOC Exhibition, Stockholm (Sweden)
Euro ID, Berlin / Cologne / Stuttgart (Germany)
Expo Comm Italia, Rome (Italy)
Exponet, Cologne (Germany)
Exponet, Vienna, (Austria)
Franchise Show, London (UK)
Focus Reseller, Stuttgart (Germany)
Gartner Retail vision, Monaco (Monaco)
Gitex, Golf IT Exhibition, Dubai (UAE)
Green Data Centre Conf, Bloomsbury, London (UK)
GSM World Congress, Barcelona, (Spain)
IBC International Broadcasting Conf, Amsterdam (The Netherlands )
IFSEC NEC, Birmingham (UK)
Infosecurity & Storage Brussels, (Belgium)
Infosecurity Europe, London (UK)
Infosecurity Russia, Moscow (Russia)
Intelligent Energy, Amsterdam (The Netherlands )
Internet World, Earls Court, London (UK)
Intertelecom, Lodz (Poland)
INVEX ICT, Brno, (Czech Rep)
IP Convergence Paris (France)
IP Expo, London. (UK)
IPTV World Forum Olympia in London (UK)
IT Business, Stuttgart (Germany)
IT Channel Vision, Monaco (Monaco)
ITnT Vienna (Austria)
ITU International Telecomunications Union, Geneva, (Switzerland)
KioskCom Europe, London (UK)
Mobile Cloud Computing World Forum, London (UK)
Navigation & Location Europe, Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
Networld Interop, Paris (France)
Paperworld, Frankfurt, (Germany)
Post Expo, Geneva, Switzerland
Retail Solutions, Excel London (UK)
SDW security Data World, QEII Hall, Parliament Sq, London (UK)
Security and Safety Technologies XVII International, Moscow (Russia)
Successful Selling, Ricoh Arena , Coventry (UK)
Service Desk & IT Support London (UK)
SIMO, Madrid, (Spain)
SMAU Milan (Italy)
Storage & Documation Expo London (UK)
Systems Munich (Germany)
The Canalys Channels Forum, Cannes (France)
The European IT Forum, Paris (France)
The Wireless & mobile event London (UK)
TINE - The ICT & Networking Event, Amsterdam, (The Netherlands)
Transport security Expo Olympia London ( UK)
Transec World PTA Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
Unified Comms, London (UK)
Virtualisation & IP & Cloud Expo, Earls Court (London)
VOIP event Olympia, London (UK)
VON, Cloud, Amsterdam (The Netherlands)


European Reseller Channel Partner Program

European Reseller             
Partner recruitment and channel development Programme.
European Reseller offers you a service to actively recruit Distributors and Resellers in Europe.

We can give you:

•  Advice about target countries and markets
•  Advice about routes to market
•  Advice about whether to use Distributors, Resellers or Representatives
•  Advice about setting up your own Subsidiary or a Franchise or Joint Venture
•  Advice about doing Public Relations campaigns
•  Active Search Campaigns to find Distributors and Resellers
•  Help to close contracts between your and your new European partners

We offer a 12 month programme where we can:

•  Review with you your needs and dealers requirements
•  Raise the profile of you company with targeted marketing
•  Present you with a short list of potential partners
•  Contact potential partners on your behalf
•  Present draft contracts
•  Visit potential partners with you
•  Help you to close contracts
•  Hand over the relationship to you In addition we offer a programme to manage your continuing relationship with these companies.

This includes:
•  Setting targets for Sales & Marketing
•  Planning and agreeing Sales & Marketing activity
•  Making Sales visits to your Resellers and their customers
•  Closing deals for stocking orders each month and quarter
•  Reporting and Forecasting

We effectivly become your partner and new employee (s)

contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Siete alla ricerca di partner per la vendita dei vostri prodotti in Europa?

Noi troviamo distributori, VAD, rivenditori e VAR per prodotti e servizi IP, i settori sicurezza, logistica, farmaceutico, petrolchimico e il mondo della distribuzione e dell'ufficio.

La nostra rivista viene distribuita in 50.000 copie, il sito internet conta 148,000 visitatori unici al mese e  3,880,000 click e gli iscritti alla 

Per maggiori informazioni visitate il sito
Are you looking for resellers in Europe?

Esta usted buscando nuevos productos para vender en España y Portugal?
Sie suchen Channel– Partner in ganz Europa ?

A la recherche de partenaires distributeurs en Europa ?
Stai cercando un socio d'affari Europeo?

Value for money "Making your marketing Euro go further":

Through our efforts as a proactive company we have a unique database that has taken us many years to compile and refine to its present state, and it will continue to be refreshed with the addition of new subscriber information.

We are able to provide our clients with publicity and channel exposure, on our website.

Just imagine having a shop window with over 140,000 resellers seeing your products each month.

We are able to "build and develope reseller channels " using our dedicated call centre in Bratislava. Where we have local language staff  from Eastern European countries.

Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We can also do this at International exhibitions, at just a fraction of the cost of exhibiting yourselves.